While in China, I was able to visit a former classmate, Dr. Xie Hongbin, and learn about the latest advancements in cosmetic acupuncture and aesthetic surgery. He is an Associate Professor at Peking University Third Hospital.
Dr. Ting Chi Fa is sharing with me his knowledge and experience in Chinese therapies related to injuries and sport injuries. Today we discussed a number of cases related to my patients and I observed back and shoulder injuries. The most common therapy that he uses is acupuncture at the Ashi points with heat along with herbal medicine to move the blood and help the body heal.

Dr. Kokkalis visits Peking University Third Hospital.

Dr. Kokkalis and former classmate Dr. Xie Hongbin.

A bowl of fish is very common in every business. This is one of the 4 bowls in our hotel lobby.

A view of the city.