While in China, I was able to visit a former classmate, Dr. Xie Hongbin, and learn about the latest advancements in cosmetic acupuncture and aesthetic surgery. He is an Associate Professor at Peking University Third Hospital.
Dr. Ting Chi Fa is sharing with me his knowledge and experience in Chinese therapies related to injuries and sport injuries. Today we discussed a number of cases related to my patients and I observed back and shoulder injuries. The most common therapy that he uses is acupuncture at the Ashi points with heat along with herbal medicine to move the blood and help the body heal.

Dr. Kokkalis visits Peking University Third Hospital.

Dr. Kokkalis and former classmate Dr. Xie Hongbin.

A bowl of fish is very common in every business. This is one of the 4 bowls in our hotel lobby.

A view of the city.
I was lucky to visit the Orthopedic Acupuncture Department today and learn how they treat their patients.

Herbal poultice in a cloth bag is applied to the affected area to treat pain

Suction Cup Therapy to move the blood and remove the toxins.

Suction Cup Therapy to move the blood and remove the toxins.

Acupuncture treatments for neck pain with infrared heat.

Acupuncture treatments for back pain with infrared heat.

Dr. Kokkalis with the Acupuncture Doctors
I’m truly enjoying my time abroad. China is a fascinating culture and it’s nice to be able to re-experience the place I lived 30 years ago.

Busy intersection in Beijing Building of a Chinese company.

Colorful water fountains in Beijing.

The bar area of the Wu Ming Ju restaurant.

Traditional Chinese toilets in the restaurant. A little different from Indiana!

Dingin at the Wu Ming Ju restaurant famous for a delicacy called the beggars chicken with a history of over 300 years slow cooked whole chicken with spices wrapped in lotus leaves.

In the waiting room of Wu Ming Ju restaurant with Li Jing Mei, a former classmate who now lives in North Carolina!
Dr Ting Chi Fa is sharing with me his knowledge and experience in Chinese therapies related to injuries and sport injuries. Today we discussed a number of cases related to my patients and I observed back and shoulder injuries. The most common therapy that he uses is acupuncture at the Ashi points with heat a long with herbal medicine to move the blood and help the body heal.

In the Holter Neck traction, weight adjustable traction used to relieve tension in the back and neck muscles. The 15 minute treatment was followed by a massage.

In the Holter Neck traction, weight adjustable traction used to relieve tension in the back and neck muscles. The 15 minute treatment was followed by a massage.

Dr. Kokkalis standing in front of a clinic in the outskirts of Beijing.

On the subway -one of the most economic and efficient means of travel in Beijing.

Alternative transportation available in the city of Beijing.

A typical taxi meter cab in the city of Beijing.
Here are some pictures of life at Beijing University, now called Peking University. It’s been fun to walk down memory lane and remember life as a student studying Traditional Chinese Medicine.

100 year History Exhibition of Beiyi

Wall of fame – 100 years – at Beijing University.

Decorations outside of the Teachers Building

A street sweeper I came across one morning when I couldn’t sleep due to jet lag.

A typical classroom at Beijing University.

Dr. Kokkalis in front of the School of Pharmacy

Student Library on Campus

Dr. Kokkalis in front of the student dormitory where she resided 30 years ago.